فارسی عربي


Get to know Iran “Woman with Axe” thru pub

Iranian courageous lady Farangis Heidarpour, also known as a “Woman with an Axe", has been featured in a publication.

The publication titled ‘Farangis’ narrates the story of brave Iranian women, including Heidarpour who stood against Ba’athists during the Iraq-Iran war in the 1980s.  

The woman with an axe has her mural painted in her hometown, Kermanshah, to commemorate her bravery during Iraq-Iran war.

Heidarpour’s statue was also erected in Kermanshah. She confronted two Ba'athist forces in her hometown on her way back home from the funeral of 8 members of her family.

The brave lady killed one of them and made the other captive.  

The book is a creation by Mahnaz Fattahi, focusing on Iranian women’s memories and their presence during war years in Iran.

